Thursday, May 13, 2010

accoutrement to war

hopefully this link works. piece titled Stein Translation. it's to a short gertrude stein based sound piece i made last quarter in Experiments in Text that feels fitting to share this week given the audio poetic basis. just try copying and pasting into browser if it don't work. also, for anyone trying a multi-layered sound piece, i'd encourage it because, like the fire ritual writing, you end up talking to yourself, and it becomes an intimate kind of insanity. gabe called my voice in it "pissed, but caged," and i think that's perfect, and is also a good segue to my punk band Pitted Youth, also pissed/caged, some super rough mp3s of which are also up on that mediafire page.


 oil spill lyric

after a steel-framed day
my array-aged brain just collapsed corralling small drops
into the bottom the cavity's gushing
seabed unscrews the towering day's
empty pledge spreading its plume
over spring, that foul breath
a net of dead gallons hemorrhaging

the meter stops running. crams the predawn shopping center with celestial slurs
a mangled chandelier of restless bounty hardens its shell
seasons chained to number. barreling into day
would the response have been the same. a domed container
of R and D blizzards pumping black marshes thwarted, and young
blue-green birds off-ed in three months. how much is out there.

you wrap my balled skeleton with roots, fronds glimmering now and again
line this estate with plasticized stilts. I part your trunk, pile your leafless roses
against its steps. your eyes these clumps of brick floating gaping thru the doorway
like hair ripped from someone's head.
I want to carry your skin nursing fenced coal trapped behind mirrors in a storm
where we bear what little salt edge rises out the narrow hurricane.
this, more or less, has been our history.


constancy hard to maintain
            characters fail                        Tiger’s lover pregnant
others more thoughtful try philanthropy
                                                without makeup
in bondage to                        low-Glycemic index
                                                            a vanity free Proactiv pay-offf
as low as                        your derivative
                                    not my                        climate
                                                            to vote to block
                                                            to inch to schedule to consider
picking off insURGENTs to lessen the            BUFF aloe chicken wrap
caption this budget quote Borrowing Beiber end quote
             for you                                   
                        now            let me be clear over             the next ten years
            I didn’t say             open quote            one person can save trees             end quote
            I said                        open quote            together we can save forests            end quote
                                                next read             in fine print using remote-controlled vehicles

don’t judge a trauma specialist by their
                                                                        psychotropic selections

you may also be interested in working online             or            else            choose
            firing squad over hanging            which has wild west aura            if condemned for exceeding            3-1-1 carry on’s 3.4 ounces
            if security levels offer something for everyone
            each experience has
                                                oil sheen of expendability

gimme one spoonful of fame and
                        I swear            I’ll be able to bury this                        galore of improbabilities
                                                                                    speaking in barbaric yawps
                        mining the boiler-room for matter
one-eye on the lecture circuit                                    where all the great glorification factories
                                                                                    re-magnify the soul

God’s tone-deaf work interview
one small step for mankind, many loopholes for lobbyists’ mortgage-backed perfect-storm           
            a very-savvy astronomical body

my onshore jeopardy can be ballasted up or down by altering roles
in an ongoing winter although there are certainly other frames
within which it could be considered ensuring overlooked ways
throughout a world of tile yanked out of each of us.

- Nicky

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