Monday, May 24, 2010

The Road War minus Mel Gibson

Phlebotomists lobotomized by uncertain peril
Unable to complete task timely
Avoidance of moisture at consequence OF shimmers of stenches procured under the stress of millennia

Why stink when checkpoint must be reached?
While task must be accomplished!
Why worry when infrastructure maintains
avoidance of smell taste hear think.
Stop. Stop.
Stop thinking keep moving destination must be striven for.

Automated construction of machine precision parts
Constantly under watch by high-power riveter/unriveters
Tasks must be completed in a timely fashion, quotas must be met

Fires must be stoked

Roads must be built quickly, must be maintained tirelessly
Gas must be burnt quickly
Cargo will be moved quickly
Efficiency is no longer a problem when speed is concerned
Turn around time 37 minutes, destination ignored
Task completed in timely manner
No sweat
Don’t sweat
Deodorant only gets you so far
Four wheels will get you further
Faster Faster
No sweat

Automatons of centralized locomotion under stress of consumption
By predatory machines or machinations
Fueled by burrito, can of cheez, one half litre pepsi/coke
Unphased by stress of living timely
May complete task in timely manner?
Fires unstoked by fossilized sunlight trapped by crust half mile deep
Fires stoked by stinking pouches, cheetos, burritos, beer
Flesh clinging to cordura- encrusted with road filth
Acceptance of stink unavoidable
Felicitous stench overpowering exhaust
Exhausted by continuous movement
Avoidance of death, acceptance of risk

Enjoyment of flavor, untrapped unwebbed by constricting lashes of belt. Liberation through steel bars, aluminum tubes, rubber legs turning endlessly through the dirt left by a civilization unable to feel the road dipping and swiveling every single day

By David Hoekje

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